Grattan Guinness - mondom

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Grattan Guinness

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   I do now most heartily desire to live but to exalt Jesus; to live preaching and to die preaching; to preach to perishing sinners till I drop down dead  (Henry Grattan Guinness)

   Amikor egyre többen próbálkoznak az utolsó időkben beteljesedő próféciák megértésével, és magyarázatával, érdemes elolvasni Henry Grattan Guinness gondolatait a témában.  Grattan, a kínai misszióban sikeres Hudson Taylor kortársra, és barátja, illetve lányának apósa volt, akit a legnevesebb prófétai tanítónak tartanak protestáns körökben.

Smith Wigglesworth A Hit Apostola című könyv így kezdődik:   -Tudjuk, hogy 1859-ben volt az Írek nagy ébredése...

„Bizony azt mondom nektek, hogy közületek egy el fog engem árulni.”

Grattan Guinness has been described as the foremost of the British
leaders of the 1859 Revival. He was born in Kingstown, near Dublin in
1835, a member of the famous Guinness family, being the grandson of
Arthur Guinness, the founder of the brewing empire.

His early life was spent in globe trotting but at the age of eighteen
he came under conviction of sin and was converted. Following his
conversion in 1853 he toured Britain, Europe and America preaching to
thousands at a time. He was a great orator, his open-air services
attracting great crowds wherever he went. He was the most popular
evangelist during the Ulster Revival in 1859 and on one occasion
preached to 20,000 people from a cab. People of all ranks and
positions were brought to Christ in great numbers and he and his team
were often occupied until two or three o'clock in the morning
conversing with people who were crying out "what must we do to be
saved?" The following is an article from the Daily Express in 1858: -

"Mr Guinness preached yesterday in York Street Chapel. The attendance
was greater than on any former occasion. In the evening it amounted to
1,600, and if there were a place large enough, five times the number
would have been present, to hear this highly gifted preacher. The
interest which he has excited has daily increased and probably will
continue to do so, during his labours in Dublin. An enormous crowd
pressed for admittance, judges, members of Parliament, orators,
Fellows of College, lights of the various professions, the rank and
fashion of the metropolis have been drawn out. Among them the Lord
Lieutenant, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Justice of Appeal, etc."

Later on he became friendly with D L Moody and Hudson Taylor who
encouraged Guinness to train missionaries and in the 1870's he founded
the East London Training Institute for the training of foreign bound
missionaries, which his son Harry Guinness later took over in 1887.
The school trained 1,330 missionaries for thirty societies of thirty
denominations. Dr Barnardo was a co-director with Grattan Guinness for
the College. He later said that he could never tell what Guinness had
done for him and said that "it was through him that I am what I am."

Grattan Guinness's daughter, Geraldine Guinness married Hudson
Taylor's son, Howard Taylor and they together became the historians
and biographers of the China Inland Mission
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